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The new WISC® – VUK it shows, compared to previous versions, more flexible and with greater

interpretative power, as it is composed of a greater number of secondary tests (16) to be able to

get a more complete view of cognitive abilities.

An expanded factorial structure provides new scores and composite separates, such as a component

dedicated to Visuo-Spatial (Visual Spatial Index - VSI) et al Fluid Reasoning (Fluid

Reasoning - FRI), so the intelligence components that are measured are in this

new version 5, plus the IQ Total.

The most absolute novelty concerns the introduction of three new subtests, to be able in this way

increase its practical application and coverage of the same contents.

In particular:

- Figure Weights, is a new subtest dedicated to the Fluid Reasoning component that

measures reasoning at a quantitative and inductive capacity level; never introduced before,

very funny and intuitive as regards its execution;

- Visual Puzzles, a new subtest dedicated to the Visuo Spaziale component that measures

the ability to analyze and synthesize information; the same saw his entrance with

the introduction of WAIS-IV (Puzzle);

- Picture Span, is a new subtest dedicated to the Working Memory component that

measures visual working memory; test introduced with the new WPPSI-IV (Memory of

Images), much appreciated for the proposed images.

But what benefits does this new version of the WISC® V Battery bring with it?

First of all it is more efficient, and easier to use, as it increases the coverage

with respect to the components to be analyzed; even the time devoted to administration is not

increased indeed in some subtests it is more reduced, consequently obtaining a more measurement

adequate development.

Another novelty, which deserves appreciation, are the reduced verbal instructions that come

provided, with internal interruption rules for shorter tests and more precise scoring criteria, in

this way you can avoid moments of "boredom" during the explanations.

As for the correction, it is possible to calculate all scores faster by reducing

consequently the total time dedicated to the calculation of the IQ. Although there are 5 relative scores

to the 5 components of Intelligence, the total IQ and other three of the five auxiliary scores are possible

obtain through the 10 main subtests, through dedicated (auxiliary) analyzes, which indices that

at the end they derive are: Quantitative Reasoning; Auditory Working Memory; Not verbal;

General Ability; Cognitive competence.

Last but not least, it is possible to calculate Complete Index Scales, which

they include three different Indices: Naming Rate; Translation of stimuli;

Storage and Recovery (composed of the set of the two previous indices).

There remains the possibility of obtaining a correction report through the dedicated software.

WISC® – VUK shows greater interpretative power, as it allows making connections

direct with the WIAT-III Battery, to facilitate further more flexible evaluation of specifications of


The separate composite scores of the components dedicated to Spatial Visuo and Reasoning

Fluid show greater clarity than the interpretation, just as the

selection of process scores, this in order to consequently improve the interpretation

and understanding of performance.

The correlation between the subtests present in WISC-IV and WISC-V is medium-high, so they measure constructs

very similar, keeping the new version one of the most "powerful" tools for measuring the

IQ and Intelligence components.




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