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The Psychology is a science that deals with the processes of the mind, behavior and human relationships with the aim of promoting the improvement of the quality of life.
Psychology is knowledge that, given the complexity of the human being, is based on the results of scientific research and the contributions of anthropological disciplines.

Psychology in everyday life ...
The skills and tools currently offered by psychology have applications in all contexts of daily life in which the psychological well-being of the individual is dealt with, such as:

• critical steps in the life cycle (childhood, adolescence, couple and sexuality, pregnancy, old age),
• prevention and well-being (health, consumption styles, safety, violence, substance addiction),
• education and development (school, learning disabilities, parenting, training processes),

cognitive disorders i (neuropsychological evaluation and rehabilitation following acquired brain injury (head trauma, stroke, brain haemorrhages, etc.) or in case of neurological / degenerative diseases (multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson, etc.)

work and organizations (selection, testing and evaluation, decision making, organizational analysis, team building), and in numerous other areas such as immigration, justice, sport, ergonomics, events traumatic and so on.

Behind every problem there is an opportunity

Galileo Galilei.




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