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28 / Jan / 2021

Psychologists and Psychologists


Some risks to which psychologists and psychologists are exposed every day

In the common idea, almost a stereotype, psychologists are seen as similar seers, who read in the mind, are sometimes considered as a danger (especially for the most troubled minds and
In reality, psychologists are also people and as such they must be considered and treated, that is, with
respect and that right feeling, so as not to forget that we too from behind ours
desk we can be exposed to dangers.
In this regard, I believe and it could be emblematic to report an event that is often perpetuated,
especially for psychologists, or harassment that passes through a veiled attempt to help
and psychological support.
Many times we Psychologists are exposed to provocations, prevarications, verbal and sexual abuse,
verable and physical aggression, we are subjected to more or less direct threats, as women.
Our willingness to offer our skills and that intimacy that has always characterized
the rooms of ours Education, we also provide the our numbers phone to be more a
handy for all those who need in the moment of mental and daily difficulty
to be able to cry out in silence the discomfort that makes their thoughts troubled… in the midst of all of ours
professionalism there are also those who see our availability as an opportunity, but not of
therapy but of abuse and with not too veiled words they insinuate themselves into our days
with very specific requests.
Psychologists and Psychologists are always exposed to mental and physical dangers, abuse and violence, in
as for their role and their mission they expose themselves and take the responsibility to act
at the forefront.
Psychologists and psychologists may also fear for their safety, but the sense of
responsibility that characterizes us and unites us, gives us the desire and strength to overcome abuses, the
threats and the continuous persecutions that the most fragile and troubled people address us.

@ Studio_Psy_Dr.Letizia_DeMori


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