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16 / Apr / 2021

Why is it still so difficult to contact a psychologist or a psychologist?

Never as in this historical moment profoundly marked by a global pandemic, with

consequent restrictions to protect the population, has shown a secondary and invisible effect: the

manifestation of fragility (which actually most likely were already present in more form

"Silent"). Every single individual has lived through difficult times for a year now,

perceiving the need for help, support to be able to "move forward", to be able to see and

start planning for the future again.

The desire to feel better arises precisely from the need to find a lost balance, with

mechanisms in continuous modulation and difficult to apply, a sort of daily effort

developed through constant self-assessments, but marked by profound frustration.

But because sometimes it is difficult to contact a professional figure such as that of the Psychologist e

of the Psychologist to be accompanied and supported in these difficult internal mediations?

Because in this new millennium in which physical, terrestrial and spatial limits have been exceeded,

the action linked to the will of a psychological support gets stuck within one

stereotype now a hundred years old?

Contacting a psychologist a psychologist is certainly difficult, but only from a point of view

awareness regarding the acceptance of the own discomfort; ask for help from a

professional is an important opportunity that the person gives himself not only to solve it

current problem, but also to learn their own adaptive, operational, thinking and mechanisms

reactive. A real investment in oneself to enrich oneself and get to know oneself in sometimes unknown aspects.

Often the mental effort that a person decides to undertake has a very high cost (in terms

of internal energy), as the step of asking for help is experienced as a personal failure e

it is not conceived as the necessity of needing new mental strategies.

At this point, therefore, the motivation linked to the difficulty in asking for help seems to be

upside down, that is, it no longer seems to be connected to the stereotypical figure of the Psychologist or the

Psychologist, but to a self-restriction that the human being (in particular and mostly males)

he shows for fear of showing his frailties, of losing his role, as explained by Seidman in the

2010, and subsequently from Mayer in 2018, studies in which the emphasis is placed takes care of the role

important given to Western education, which initiates children to assume attitudes

stoic and emotionally closed, consequently giving a negative point of view towards

opposite (positive) attitudes, because being empathic, showing emotions such as sadness, comes

considered as modest and feminine attitudes, and therefore fragile.

In a research carried out by Huang and from his research group in 2017, ask for help shows

a responsible openness and with good relationship skills.

It is clear at this point that giving a strong self image remains an important point a

social level, without considering the risk of triggering a sacrifice mechanism in one's own

confrontations, a sacrifice that includes body and mind.

Awareness, and acceptance. Keywords underlying each request for help.

Dr. Letizia De Mori

25 / Mar / 2021

Food disorders

Lilac Bow Day

Today March 15th, is the national day of the Lilac Ribbon, dedicated to nutrition disorders and
of nutrition, including anorexia and bulimia. This anniversary has been present for 9 years which it wants to lead to
greater reflection on these disorders. It is an initiative born from the father of a 17 year old girl who a
cause of bulimia he lost his life on this very day. Anorexia and bulimia nervous affect
mostly girls aged between 15 and 19, but the onset decreases every year,
also affecting the male category. Fundamental for this class of disorders is to identify them and
intervene early, as if not treated adequately and promptly, they increase the
risk of permanent damage to the whole organism, which in severe cases can lead to death. In this
long year, characterized by a global pandemic, we have evidence of an aggravation of the disorders
food, especially in adolescents. The pandemic is bringing about numerous social changes e
relational, this predominantly involves adolescents and children who are experiencing the
loneliness, given by the fact that there is no longer the socialization linked to the school environment and activity
physics. Social isolation leads to an increase in eating disorders because the management of emotions
occurs through the food symptom. This symptom can be dietary, caloric or restriction
cognitive, which leads to "cutting" or reducing the total amount of food introduced, or binges (objective or
subjective), which consist in eating a large amount in a short period of time (about 2 hours)
of food with loss of control, i.e. the inability to stop such episodes. In a period in which the activities
outside the home are reduced to a minimum there was a worsening of the concern related to
weight and shape of the body, and of the diet itself, this highlights as the specific symptoms of such
pathology related to the effects of the pandemic create a predisposing environment for the aggravation of
food symptoms. One study (Ramalho, SM, Trovisqueira, A., de Lourdes, M. et al. The impact of COVID-
19 lockdown on disordered eating behaviors: the mediation role of psychological distress. Eat Weight
Disord 2021) published on "Eating and weight disorders" examined 325 subjects with disorders
of nutrition, mainly anorexia nervosa, with the aim of understanding which factors of the pandemic
(isolation, fear of contagion, job loss) caused symptoms to develop and worsen
food. From what emerged, the fear of contagion and isolation caused a worsening of the lesions
eating symptoms, along with reduced social contact with friends and worsening relationships
family members. There are several alarm bells that need to be taken into account as a lot of attitudes
restrictive nutrition, reduction of calorie intake and elimination of certain categories of foods
(often carbohydrates). In addition to these, attention must be paid to the tendency towards isolation, to
excessive weight measurement or avoidance, a tendency to skip meals or sluggishness
to eat. It is essential to maintain a normal weight that allows us to stay healthy and be comfortable with
ourselves, learning to be more flexible and less judgmental with ourselves is the key to good
psychophysical balance.

Dr. Deborah Fasoli

28 / Jan / 2021

Psychologists and Psychologists


Some risks to which psychologists and psychologists are exposed every day

In the common idea, almost a stereotype, psychologists are seen as similar seers, who read in the mind, are sometimes considered as a danger (especially for the most troubled minds and
In reality, psychologists are also people and as such they must be considered and treated, that is, with
respect and that right feeling, so as not to forget that we too from behind ours
desk we can be exposed to dangers.
In this regard, I believe and it could be emblematic to report an event that is often perpetuated,
especially for psychologists, or harassment that passes through a veiled attempt to help
and psychological support.
Many times we Psychologists are exposed to provocations, prevarications, verbal and sexual abuse,
verable and physical aggression, we are subjected to more or less direct threats, as women.
Our willingness to offer our skills and that intimacy that has always characterized
the rooms of ours Education, we also provide the our numbers phone to be more a
handy for all those who need in the moment of mental and daily difficulty
to be able to cry out in silence the discomfort that makes their thoughts troubled… in the midst of all of ours
professionalism there are also those who see our availability as an opportunity, but not of
therapy but of abuse and with not too veiled words they insinuate themselves into our days
with very specific requests.
Psychologists and Psychologists are always exposed to mental and physical dangers, abuse and violence, in
as for their role and their mission they expose themselves and take the responsibility to act
at the forefront.
Psychologists and psychologists may also fear for their safety, but the sense of
responsibility that characterizes us and unites us, gives us the desire and strength to overcome abuses, the
threats and the continuous persecutions that the most fragile and troubled people address us.

@ Studio_Psy_Dr.Letizia_DeMori


28 / Jan / 2021

What should we expect now after the COVID-19 lockdown?

The worldwide COVID-19 pandemic

it has suddenly blocked the regular course of our lives, changing them forever.

From the psychological point of view, after the forced isolation (for a good purpose!) The implications and consequences are
different, specifically:
- Children: in children it is showing (among the different small patients present in our Studio) an increase in attention drop, reduced memory, poor learning strategies, hyperactivity, sleep disturbances, sign and symptoms that could fall within the framework of depression, as they were suddenly blocked in their expression
everyday life, just as social and concrete relationships have been blocked, while a series of compensations have been activated (such as video calls with friends) which, however important and avant-garde, have increased their sense of isolation and
frustration, exposing them to a completely new reality for which they had to learn new strategies very quickly to be able to manage it.

– Adults: the reflective modalities of adults in the months of social isolation have been dominant, and the "obligation" of reflection has often led to the revision of priorities, ties, choices and decisions, to such an extent that we can no longer ignore the new ones requests and having to give you a new functional structure.
– Elderly: the fear of being hit first, and of having to end their lives in complete solitude, has led to the development of a completely new cognitive functioning that has led them to be more ready but at the same time more afraid of losing loved ones before the time.
– Reality at risk: during the lockdown situations already at social risk were exacerbated, physical, psychological, sexual and economic abuse increased in very high percentages, putting the people involved in conditions of despair and annulment.
– People in discomfort: during the months of lockdown, people who had previous situations of discomfort actually turned out to be "more ready" than the majority of the population not at risk (apparent), giving lessons in significant mental containment, as the isolation is in itself a mental factor, and people who experience it in everyday life have been more functional and adaptive.
Recent studies published in the most important international journals, underlined how in the months following the release of the lockdown the world population will be severely tested on an emotional and mental level to such an extent as to hypothesize a possible increase in the development of very significant mental disorders (for some authors even up to 80%).

@ Studio_Psy_Dr.Letizia_DeMori


25 / Jan / 2021



It is an evolutionary stage, a passage in life that requires the child to go through it in order to subsequently arrive in the "world" of young adults.

In this passage of life, which lasts about 12 to 18 years, children are literally shaken by many and complex changes starting from the hormonal one up to the ideological one.

The hormonal component, even if the most natural, hides very significant secondary implications on a physical level (such as the change of voice in males and the development of the breast in females), on a psychological level (such as experiencing new emotions such as that of depression, typical of this age).

It is this period of life that boys and girls ideologically and mentally move away from the family unit to find other examples to follow and from which to search for their own identity, and then return close (if possible) to the initial model of the family. In this period of time the adolescent has to deal with all the experiences that were not overcome during childhood and try to overcome them as best as possible without scars, in fact very often today more than in the past the "teenagers" carry with them a very negative experience which makes the person burdened in his long journey.

The family plays a fundamental role in all this and must be able to support (and endure) the emotional chaos that has been unleashed in the child; the family plays an important role as it is itself interested in change, because it must itself find its own internal balance, which is why the whole structure should be reviewed and modulated again.

Currently, the adolescent, unlike years ago, finds himself managing different identities, the most important are the body one (as the body is a mediator between them and the world), the social one (as it varies according to the role one intends to assume in a certain context) and that of the network (a new type of identity that parents are not able to grasp in all its nuances as they never had one during their adolescence, this identity becomes fluid and multiple all inside the web, it would have very strong effects even "off-line"). Among these, it seems that the network identity is the most significant for new adolescents, which unfortunately if attacked directly or indirectly could lead to behaviors that could even be harmful to the person.

Within this context the Psychologist introduces himself as a reference figure on the one hand for the family and on the other for the adolescent, as both need constant support to find a balance and a new definition of themselves.

@ Studio_Psy_Dr.Letizia_DeMori



22 / Oct / 2020

Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT) can represent a valid support, together with actions of a more practical nature, for boys who are victims of bullying, through a work aimed at modifying what REBT calls dysfunctional thoughts, which have the characteristic of being so rooted, rigid and automatic that they do not allow reality to be interpreted objectively.

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